Sunday, September 23, 2012

Recursion how to Find the Shortest distance of the flight

/* Hill-climbing */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MAX 100
/* structure of the flight database */
struct FL {
char from[20];
char to[20];
int distance;
char skip; /* used for backtracking */
struct FL flight[MAX]; /* array of db structures */
int f_pos = 0; /* number of entries in flight db */
int find_pos = 0; /* index for searching flight db */
int tos = 0; /* top of stack */
struct stack {
char from[20];
char to[20];
int dist;
} ;
struct stack bt_stack[MAX]; /* backtrack stack */
void setup(void), route(char *to);
void assert_flight(char *from, char *to, int dist);
void push(char *from, char *to, int dist);
void pop(char *from, char *to, int *dist);
void isflight(char *from, char *to);
int find(char *from, char *anywhere);
int match(char *from, char *to);

int main(void)
char from[20], to[20];
printf("From? ");
printf("To? ");
return 0;
/* Initialize the flight database. */
void setup(void)
assert_flight("New York", "Chicago", 1000);
assert_flight("Chicago", "Denver", 1000);
assert_flight("New York", "Toronto", 800);
assert_flight("New York", "Denver", 1900);
assert_flight("Toronto", "Calgary", 1500);
assert_flight("Toronto", "Los Angeles", 1800);
assert_flight("Toronto", "Chicago", 500);
assert_flight("Denver", "Urbana", 1000);
assert_flight("Denver", "Houston", 1500);
assert_flight("Houston", "Los Angeles", 1500);
assert_flight("Denver", "Los Angeles", 1000);
/* Put facts into the database. */
void assert_flight(char *from, char *to, int dist)
if(f_pos < MAX) {
strcpy(flight[f_pos].from, from);
strcpy(flight[f_pos].to, to);
flight[f_pos].distance = dist;
flight[f_pos].skip = 0;
else printf("Flight database full.\n");
/* Show the route and the total distance. */
void route(char *to)
int dist, t;
dist = 0;
t = 0;
while(t < tos) {
printf("%s to ", bt_stack[t].from);
dist += bt_stack[t].dist;
printf("%s\n", to);
printf("Distance is %d.\n", dist);
/* If flight between from and to, then return
the distance of flight; otherwise, return 0. */
int match(char *from, char *to)
register int t;
for(t=f_pos-1; t > -1; t--)
if(!strcmp(flight[t].from, from) &&
!strcmp(flight[t].to, to)) return flight[t].distance;
return 0; /* not found */
/* Given from, find the farthest away "anywhere". */
int find(char *from, char *anywhere)
int pos, dist;
pos=dist = 0;
find_pos = 0;
while(find_pos < f_pos) {
if(!strcmp(flight[find_pos].from, from) &&
!flight[find_pos].skip) {
if(flight[find_pos].distance>dist) {
pos = find_pos;
dist = flight[find_pos].distance;
if(pos) {
strcpy(anywhere, flight[pos].to);
flight[pos].skip = 1;
return flight[pos].distance;
return 0;
/* Determine if there is a route between from and to. */
void isflight(char *from, char *to)
int d, dist;
char anywhere[20];
if(d=match(from, to)) {
/* is goal */
push(from, to, d);
/* find any connection */
if(dist=find(from, anywhere)) {
push(from, to, dist);
isflight(anywhere, to);
else if(tos > 0) {
pop(from, to, &dist);
isflight(from, to);
/* Stack Routines */
void push(char *from, char *to, int dist)
if(tos < MAX) {
strcpy(bt_stack[tos].from, from);
strcpy(bt_stack[tos].to, to);
bt_stack[tos].dist = dist;
else printf("Stack full.\n");
void pop(char *from, char *to, int *dist)
if(tos > 0) {
strcpy(from, bt_stack[tos].from);
strcpy(to, bt_stack[tos].to);
*dist = bt_stack[tos].dist;
else printf("Stack underflow.\n");

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